There are countless meetings in a company every day, many of which are informal, of course. Only at Microsoft with their Teams tool, in April 2020, they had a record number of meetings: 2.7 billion! That’s a lot of online meetings.
But beyond the number of meetings, each one has a specific name. They have a different purpose, the participants don’t have the same roles, the length is variable, the decisions will be affected by the initial objective and of course, the actions to be taken will be different depending on the types of meeting another and the results will not be the same.
Here are the 17 different types of meetings:
- Collaborative Team Meetings
- Information-Sharing Meetings
- Problem Solving Meetings
- Decision-making Meetings
- Project Meetings
- Recurring Meetings
- Remote Meetings or Online Meetings
- Stand-up Meetings or Scrum
- Walking Meetings
- Board of Directors
- Executive Committee
- One-on-one Meetings
- Brainstorming Meetings
- Training Meetings
- Conferences
- Social and Economic Committee
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
1. Collaborative Team Meeting
It is no longer just one person who writes all the documents, it is the responsibility of the people involved to contribute. Each team member participates in the discussion and the team takes collaborative notes in a meeting management solution. The ultimate goal is to work together and be active throughout the meeting process.
How to write an effective meeting agenda + Bonus: Agenda template
2. Information-Sharing Meeting
Information sharing is the main purpose of this type of meeting to announce company news or a new product. It is preferred to written communication because it allows to quickly answer questions and validate the understanding of the message.
Download the agenda template for the information-sharing meeting
3. Problem Solving Meeting
Getting together allows us as a group to find a solution, to see different viewpoints and angles that we wouldn’t have found alone. It is also the best way to resolve disagreements between the people involved.
4. Decision-making Meeting
This is the time to have a discussion on a specific topic that each participant knows the essentials to make an informed decision. The consensus is essential for the decision to be effective, and for the resulting actions to be carried out.
5. Project Meeting
Meetings that are mostly scheduled by the project manager, take place frequently to update the team members on the project and to ensure that the project is progressing properly. This is an opportunity to discuss what didn’t work and what solutions have been found. Of course, successes are recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
6. Recurring Meeting
Whether weekly, monthly, or quarterly, the recurring meeting allows us to take an overview of current projects, consult the team on problems encountered, and align together on the next steps and actions to be taken to continue on the right path.
7. Remote Meeting or Online Meetings
Meeting are held remotely or online via a video conferencing tool, by some or all team members. Ideal for multi-site teams, employees who work from home, or any reason that requires an online meeting outside the office.

8. Stand-up Meetings or Scrum
A meeting that comes from agile practices, the stand-up meeting or scrum allows you to gain speed by standing up in a circle, usually between 5 and 15 minutes. Each participant reports what has been done, what will be done today, if they have a problem that is blocking the progress of the work, and if the team can help solve it.
9. Walking Meeting
It’s a beautiful day outside and you need to clear your mind, but a meeting is taking place in 5 minutes? It’s time to have a walking meeting with your 3-4 coworkers. It will only benefit your body and mind.
10. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is a group of people who represent the financial interests of the shareholders. At Board meetings, they define policies and guide the executive team on the strategies to be implemented and, in so doing, ensure that they are carried out.
11. Executive Committee
These meetings allow key executives to conduct the various activities of the company, exchange high-level strategies that affect the interests of the organization, and follow up on the decisions of the Board.
Download our executive committee agenda template
12. One-on-one Meeting
Managers hold these meetings with their employees once a year, or even more in some organizations, to take a look at the negative and positive aspects of the latter’s work.
13. Brainstorming Meeting
This is not the time to self-censor, because the idea generation meeting allows you to get out your creativity for new projects and even find solutions to issues.
14. Training Meeting
Whether it is to hire an employee or to improve the knowledge of employees, individual or group training is a type of meeting that is regularly held in a company.
15. Conference
An animator, or, of course, a speaker, gives a performance on a specific topic to an audience.

16. Social and Economic Committee (SEC)
The Social and Economic Committee represents the personnel and must be set up for organizations with more than 11 employees. The employer and the employees constitute the SEC. Various rules govern the SEC depending on its size.
17. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The annual general meeting allows decisions to be made regarding the achievement of the organization’s objectives. It brings together the associates to discuss the past year’s results as well as the upcoming year’s activities in order to have a clear picture of the next steps to take.
In conclusion
Beenote is the ideal tool to hold all 15 of these types of meetings to provide essential structure and support for meeting leaders.
Take advantage of a free trial of Beenote with all features available without restriction.