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Executive Committee Agenda Template
A template agenda for your executive committees that allows you to get to the point during your executive meeting. Simply focus on what optimizes your organization!

Be effective during your executive committee
The main objective of the executive meeting is to bring together different directors to discuss strategies and follow-ups surrounding the organization, which are then approved by the board of directors.
Several topics can be discussed depending on the department and the company, but these meetings are primarily used to review the actions taken during previous committees.
In smaller companies, operational issues may be discussed, while larger companies are mainly concerned with strategic issues.
The executive committee is the continuity of the decisions made by the board of directors towards the implementation of these decisions in the respective departments of an organization.
Use a structured agenda template to optimize your executive committees

Helps highlight the issues that need to be addressed so that the right decisions can be made clearly

The agenda informs the participants of the topics that will be discussed

Collaborative agenda writing allows committee participants to be more engaged

The agenda provides a clear structure for the speakers to stay focused on the important topics

How to use the agenda for your executive committees
The agenda can be drafted by the meeting leader, but also in collaboration with the other speakers. Everyone defines what should be mentioned in his part.
The agenda is primarily a support, an overview, or a summary of what will be mentioned, discussed.
"Beenote has transformed my management and governance, in addition to facilitating and standardizing processes. I have reduced the time spent on meetings by 50%. I used to spend a day planning my meetings and publishing them, and with Beenote, now I only spend half a day. Substantial time savings, it's perfect for me!"
Sonia Janelle | Governance and support - General Management