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Customer Success

Beenote is a complete tool for the needs of Arte France’s social and economic committee

Arte France, a public cultural and European channel with 300 employees.

Arte’s challenges before the use of Beenote

There was an executive committee within the company. During the last elections and in accordance with the law, in 2019, Arte converted the executive committee into the Social and Economic Committee (CSE). On this occasion, and having elected 24 members, it had an imperative need for all the meetings of:

  • Track information discussed at meetings.
  • Working together on a document.
  • Make meeting information accessible.
  • Save valuable time by conducting effective meetings.
  • Being able to participate remotely: finding a time when all 24 members were available at the same time remains a challenge, hence the need to access our meetings directly online.


“ Beenote is easy to use, the layout is user-friendly. Beenote is a complete tool for our CSE meeting needs. Plus, it’s a low-cost solution. ”

What Beenote has enabled Arte France to achieve within the CSE since its establishment

The CSE of ARTE France has chosen Beenote among half a dozen applications in test. Beenote now allows them to:

  • Plan, hold and document meetings easily.
  • Preserve delegation time.
  • Keep all meeting information in a single system, easily accessible by all members.
  • Experience meetings with serenity and feel fully in control of their mission to represent the interests of coworkers/employees.


“ With Beenote, we’ve greatly reduced the amount of small, time-consuming tasks of setting-up meetings and writing minutes, while making the task of running an effective meeting easier, thanks to the input of all members involved. ”

Why choose Beenote as your CSE meeting management solution?

How do Beenote teams use Beenote for their meetings?